Exceptional Dimensions

 A Conference in Honour of Bernard Julia

 (16-17 December 2019, Institut Henri Poincaré)




Speakers (with Titles and Abstracts when available) :


Jean-Pierre Bourguignon

Title: Remarks on Supergravity by a Geometer


Thibault Damour

Title: From E7 to E10


Jeff Harvey

Title:  Sporadic groups and Conformal Field Theories

Abstract:  I will discuss a number of connections, both old and new,
between two-dimensional conformal field theories and the sporadic simple
finite groups.


Marc Henneaux

Title: The antifield-BRST approach to (gauge) field theories: an overview

Abstract: An overview of the major features of the antifield-BRST
method will be given, emphasing the connections with classical
deformations of the action, conservation laws, global symmetries,
counterterms and anomalies.  Examples will be discussed, including
p-form gauge theories.


Chris Hull

Title: Fearful Symmetry


Jean-François Le Gall

Title: Géométrie brownienne


Hermann Nicolai

Title: N=8 Supergravity and the real world


Augusto Sagnotti

Title: On Broken Supersymmetry and Vacuum Stability in String Theory and Supergravity


Stefan Vandoren

Title: Black Holes and Scherk-Schwarz

Abstract: We study black holes in string compactifications with a duality
twist. As a prime example, we study type IIB on T4 x S1 with a duality
twist along the circle. This leads to Scherk-Schwarz supergravity
potentials with Minkowski vacua preserving partial supersymmetry in five
dimensions. We further compute the effects of the duality twist on the
black hole entropy.


Nick Warner

Title: Consistent Truncations, Gauged Supergravity and Black-Hole Microstructure

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